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Romans 8:32 – “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”

Meditation / Motivation

God loves us. He proved this by not withholding His Son from us. He gave us His greatest treasure, the gift of His Son. There is nothing greater left to give; He has given His best and His greatest gift. If there was anything God could withhold from us, it would be His Son. The implication of this is that, if God could give us His Son, there is nothing else He would withhold from us. Since God freely offered up His Son as the sacrifice for us, He will also freely give us everything we need! God has done the hard work in giving up His Son, and so what remains (giving us all other things) is easy by comparison. In other words, when God gave us Christ, In Him, He made available everything we need. Christ has already died for us and risen from the dead, and is now making intercession for us. Therefore, no charge can be brought against us! Throughout this week, take time to meditate on this glorious truth. What shall we really say about such wonderful things as these indeed!

Prayer / Declaration

Thank you, Father, for giving your Son Jesus Christ as our Substitute sacrifice. You have given me your best and greatest gift. By reason of this wonderful sacrifice, I declare, God is for me, and no one can ever be against me! I declare that no accusation against me will stand. No condemnation will prevail against me. I declare that I am justified, and I have access to everything I need! This week I declare that in Christ, I am receiving everything I need, in the Name of Jesus Christ!