July 1, 2024
Ephesians 2:10 – “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them”
Meditation / Motivation
You are God’s workmanship. The word workmanship means, masterpiece, product, fabric, or
that which has been made. You are God’s handiwork or a new creation. As a child of God, you
are God’s product; He is your manufacturer. You are God’s masterpiece, and masterpiece means
a work of outstanding artistry and skill. It means a wonder, a sensation, a showpiece, a
marvelous feat, and an outstanding example. The purpose for this marvelous creation is so that
you can produce good works. You are created to produce excellent, honorable and distinguished
enterprise. These good works were already ordained and prepared and made ready in advance for
Prayer / Declaration
Thank you, Father, for creating me anew! I declare I am created brand new in Christ Jesus! I am
God’s masterpiece. I am His work of art. This week, I am producing good works. This week I am
bringing forth good things! This week I am living out the good the Lord has prearranged and
made ready for me! I reject whatever the Lord did not prepare for me this week! I am bring forth
good works in my business, in my job, in my family, in my health, and in everything concerning
me, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!