Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit.
Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit.
Here you have a direct invitation from the Lord. There is a direct call from the Lord to come to Him. This week you are responding to that invitation. This week you are answering that call…
The death that Christ died on the cross targeted our old sin nature and nailed it to the cross. The rule that the old fallen nature had is broken and its tendencies should not dominate our lives …
In this portion of Scripture, we here again see the gentle power of thanksgiving. Ten lepers saw Jesus come into town, they lifted their voices and asked Him to have mercy on them…
Greater is in comparison to something else. Scripture did not say, the Great One, it says, the Greater One. And “inside” contrasts with “outside.” If He is on the inside, then something else is on the outside …
The Spirit of God wants to lead you. There are things to do and places to go. There’s a lot He wants to show you. You cannot know all God has planned for you, and you cannot access everything Jesus purchased for you unless the Holy Spirit is followed …
How come Abraham offered Lot the opportunity to make the choice first? Didn’t he realize Lot could choose the better land and his cattle would suffer? …