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Psalm 49:7-9 “Yet they cannot redeem themselves from death by paying a ransom to God. Redemption does not come easily, for no one can ever pay enough to live forever and never see the grave”

Meditation / Motivation

Redemption is the payment of full price to set us free – Galatians 3:13. Full price has been paid, but the price was not just paid partially. It was full and complete payment. There is nothing in this world you can trust in to take care of this for you, not your wealth, not your riches, not your connections, as important as those things might be.

The payment Christ made made Eternal Life available – Hebrews 9:12 “…He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by His own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption.” He paid enough for us to experience life forever. And the more we make up our minds to know Him, the more we experience that life – John 17:2-3. No one could pay this price of their own and this is payment that is forever.

And note this, redemption did not come easily. Full price was paid in blood. The cost was everything! This is a payment no one else could ever make. Praise the Lord, we have Eternal Life, and we can grow deeper in it. That life is our reality NOW!

Prayer / Declaration

Thank you Father, for Eternal Life. In you I have entered lief that has no limits and no end. I acknowledge that you have paid full price to set me free. I do not trust in my wealth and riches, I do not trust in my connections, I do not trust in my own ways, I trust in the price you have paid and the redemption you have made available for me. I declare, I am growing in my knowledge and experience of God! I am growing deeper in Eternal Life, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!